supporting students
Counselling Tutor
An online resource for
counselling students and
qualified practitioners
Counselling Tutor is a fantastic resource for all counselling Student. I Was a moderator on all their Facebook pages since I was a level two counselling student. I have worked for them as an Academic Researcher, so I know how wonderful they are as people and how dedicated they are as both counsellors and tutors.
Counselling Tutors Free Facebook Community page. A great free resource for counselling students with questions about counselling and networking with other students, with qualified counsellors and tutors there to help.
Counselling Tutors 'Counselling Study Resource' (CSR) page is for those that have signed up for membership to get access to lectures on study skills, counselling skills, theory and practice. Fantastic for the new counsellors. I don't think there was a single assignment I did not use the CSR for references or clarifying lessons.
Counselling tutors Continual Professional Development (CPD) group 'Counsellors in Practice' is for qualified counsellors who wish to develop and grow in their profession. Keeping up to date on skills is an essential part of being a therapist. This site is excellent for and networking with your peers. Also, personally.
Counselling Tutors 'Online and Telephone counselling' group is for qualified counsellors, counselling students, or soon-to-be on placement. On average, it is eighty hours CPD and is fantastic when moving from Face to Face practice to working online.
For referencing in your assignments
Harvard reference generator.
This reference generator was recommended to me, and I have used it ever since. It is easy to use, and it keeps track of all the references you have used before, which saves on redoing your favourite references.
Harvard Reference generator
This was Recommended a lot by Tutors and by the university I trained at. It is a great site, one I have used quite a lot.
It just looks more adult than Neil's Toolbox, so the dealers choice. They do the same thing.
Buy and sell counselling books.
Buying textbooks is not cheap, and if you are anything like me, a book hoarder, you will want your books.
This Facebook group is for those who want to buy counselling books and pass on their pre-loved textbooks.
I don't normally put a joke on this page...But
Well it made me laugh
I am not sure if i would avoid my professor, be ambivalent, or be secure in my self if i got this...
What about you?
Do you have any recommendations for helpful student resources or support?
if they are lovely and have been of great support in your study
let me know